AGing Integrated Database (AGID) Data Sources July 16, 2015October 2, 20180 The Administration on Aging AGing Integrated Database (AGID) is an on-line query system based on Administration for Community Living (ACL)-related data files and surveys, and includes population characteristics from the Census Bureau for comparison purposes. Different options through AGID provide different levels of focus and aggregation of the data. To
US Census Bureau County KML Boundaries Data Sources May 21, 2014January 13, 20200 The US Census Bureau provides Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files for every state in the US, containing the boundaries of the counties in that state as of the 2010 census. Files are available as detailed (the exact boundaries) and generalized (boundaries are smoothed and do not represent the exact boundaries).
US Census American FactFinder Data Sources April 9, 2014May 28, 20140 American FactFinder is a tool from the US Census Bureau (link: that provides access to data from several censuses and surveys. Data is available for the United States, Puerto Rico and the Island Areas and covers a wide range of topics from income to education to health insurance