State Long-Term Services and Supports Scorecard Data Sources July 9, 2014January 14, 20150 The State Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Scorecard is a multidimensional approach to measure state-level performance of LTSS systems that assist older people, adults with disabilities, and their family caregivers. The State LTSS Scorecard measures LTSS system performance across five key dimensions: Affordability and access Choice of setting and provider Quality of life
All-Payer Claims Databases Data Sources July 7, 2014December 18, 20190 All-Payer Claims Databases (APCDs) are statewide databases containing claims data, including the prices paid, for all commercial insurance carriers within a state. They are designed to shed light on the disparate prices doctors and hospitals charge for the same procedures. The pricing and quality data have also been
HHS Health Care State by State Information Data Sources July 7, 2014January 14, 20150 The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) State by State Information page provides statewide data on Medicare and Medicaid. The site uses an interactive map that allows the user to select their state. The user can then view data on recent health insurance enrollments under the Affordable
RWJF DataHub Data Sources June 25, 2014July 2, 20140 The RWJF DataHub tracks state-level data and allows users to customize and visualize facts and figures on key health and health care topics. The design of the site allows users to simply to pick a category, indicator and location to view data. The National DataHub has a map and ranking
Geocommons Hospital Referral Region KML Boundaries Data Sources May 21, 2014August 3, 20180 Geocommons is a public community of users who are building an open repository of data and maps. This particular dataset provides Hospital Referral Region (HRR) boundaries in KML as well as Shapefile format. The boundaries data were originally taken from Dartmouth Health Atlas Crosswalks and Boundary Files Information on
US Census Bureau County KML Boundaries Data Sources May 21, 2014January 13, 20200 The US Census Bureau provides Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files for every state in the US, containing the boundaries of the counties in that state as of the 2010 census. Files are available as detailed (the exact boundaries) and generalized (boundaries are smoothed and do not represent the exact boundaries).