US Census Bureau County KML Boundaries Data Sources May 21, 2014January 13, 20200 The US Census Bureau provides Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files for every state in the US, containing the boundaries of the counties in that state as of the 2010 census. Files are available as detailed (the exact boundaries) and generalized (boundaries are smoothed and do not represent the exact boundaries). Files are downloadable in the KML format. KML boundary files are also available for Census tracts at this site. Naming convention for these files: YearTypeLayer_FIPS Year=2010 Type=gz (generalized) or dt (detailed) Layer= county or tract FIPS 2-digit state FIPS code Note that a listing of State FIPS codes can be found at the Environmental Protection Agency website at Link: Are you using this data source? Share your experience with it by leaving a reply below!